Accelerate Performance Personal Training is a gym that specializes in improving our client's performance. We help our clients move and feel better through muscle and core strengthening, improving range of motion, balance, endurance, nutrition, and mobility training. We provide personal, semi-private, and group training as well as monthly gym memberships to help our clients exceed their goals.


Founder/Performance Coach
I have always been athletic and loved to play sports. When I was younger I couldn’t wait to lift weights and become stronger. I excelled in sports, so when I was able to lift weights in the 8th grade I jumped at the opportunity and ended up playing basketball and running track in college.
Coaching mixed with my leadership qualities lead me into personal training. I enjoyed learning more and more about the human body and how it works. I quickly dove into nutrition and sports specific training and learned that this wasn’t enough. Due to the challenges that my clients faced, I then obtained my Correctional Exercise Specialist (CES), Water Fitness Trainer (WFT), Group Fitness Training (GFT) and of course my Level 1 Crossfit certifications. These certificates enable to help my clients in a variety of ways without compromising their health and mobility.
Today, I currently work with people before and after surgeries, people who have mobility issues, people who want to improve their movement performance, and people committed to becoming healthy and fit.

Fitness in one of the few things in life that gives back exactly what you put in, and that's something I've always resonated with. A healthy lifestyle is much more than just lifting weights. It’s about stretching, warming up, eating healthily, and getting necessary rest and enough sleep. I love helping others see and experience what their bodies are capable of with just enough hard work. I make it a goal to help you achieve a happy and well-balanced lifestyle that will minimize the risk of future health-related issues. I’m very passionate about helping others find happiness in life and feel good about themselves. I believe that when you FEEL GOOD, you excel in life.
Jocelyn has her bachelors in Kinesiology, CPT (NASM), and a FMS certification.
Personal Trainer

Wade has been an athlete for the majority of his life and developed a passion for fitness, strength training and coaching. Proper lifting techniques are the keys to reducing injury and is the foundation to strength training. Wade has an extensive knowledge in building strength and weight loss and loves to share it with high school athletes.
We believe that exercise, done correctly, can change a persons' life. Health first begins with the mind and then finds it's way into our bodies. That's why we make sure we get to know our clients with a thourough assessment where we ask fact finding questions. From there we let science do its' job and find out what works for each client.
Here at Accelerate Performance Personal Training, we use various workout techniques to help our client's reach their goals safely and in as minimal time as possible. That means we use every minute of your session as effectively as possible to ensure that we are providing you with complete fitness programs and will give you the life and results you desire.
Done correctly, exercise can help increase longevity, energy, bone density, muscle mass, strength, and energy. It can help you decrease body fat, joint pain, reduce lower back pain and cholesterol, and balance blood sugar levels. Performance training will help you in your everyday activites and help you performe better in your sports.